Have you been struggling with getting sales and engagement on Facebook?
Have you been posting your sales graphics, talking to random people, and doing everything you can (or that you've been told to do) to get some traction for your business but all you hear are crickets?
Trust me girl... I'VE BEEN THERE.
Here's my story (it may be similar to yours)...
When I first started network marketing... I was posting my sales graphics for my products everyday, I had my link plastered everywhere, and I was cold messaging people to get them to purchase my products and I was getting NO WHERE with my business.
For months I was asking myself, "What am I doing wrong?"
I was doing all the things that I was TOLD TO DO but I was missing one HUGE piece of the puzzle that no one told me about.
As I was doing research one day, I came across a video about personal branding and something just clicked. After that I spent hours researching everything about personal branding and how to brand yourself and then it dawned on me.....
Before that day, I didn’t understand the concept of personal branding and that it is different from plastering your products all over your profile
I thought... “well if I don’t post a picture every time we have a sale... how are they going to know about it?”
I didn’t realize that people don’t really care about your products or what sales that you have going on!
They care about you...
They want to know if you would be someone that they would want to purchase from or be their business partner.
For the past year I've been implementing ways to brand myself and I have been able to build a strong personal brand on Facebook and sponsor hundreds of people with multiple different businesses.
- No sales graphics.
- Your profile pic and cover photo should be of you.
- Majority of the pictures that you post should have you in them.
- Think of 3-5 things that describe you.
- Those will be the things that you want to post and go live about.
- You want to provide value that’s valuable to you.
If you’ve been having trouble with getting people interested in your products, services, or opportunity; start implementing these three tips to brand yourself online.
I know they will help you just like they’ve helped me
Never forget to choose faith over fear.
-Lorena Camille
(Faith Fuels My Fire)
p.s. If you'd rather listen to Faith based, business, mindset, and mental health tips, then check out my podcast. There I will share my personal experiences, stories I've never told before, and bring you along the hot mess life of mine. New episodes every Monday.
You can also follow me on Instagram (_lorenacamille_.) I'll be posting frequently and doing daily stories. I'll follow you back :)
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