I launched Faith Fuels My Fire: The Podcast after God had put this calling on my heart. I had been praying for months for clarity on my next best step and I kept fighting the voice of God that was telling me to start this podcast, because of my own doubts and fears. I finally decided on November 11th, 2019 to choose faith over fear, I took that leap of faith, and decided to go all-in on this. After I recorded and posted my first episode I felt this huge weight lifted off my shoulders. Since then God has been constantly reassuring me that I'm doing exactly what I'm supposed to be doing and I'm exactly where I need to be.

Podcast for the Truth-Seeking Christian.
Bible Study + Jesus + Practicing Discernment + Spiritual Development.
Lorena Camille helps transform the heart, mind, and spirit of Christians through Bible Study, Practicing Spiritual Discernment, Prayer, Scripture, and Spiritual Development.
Lorena is obsessed with teaching others to have a heart and mind like Jesus and discern the truth through prayer, Bible Study, and asking for knowledge and wisdom from Christ.
She believes that if we truly give our all to Christ and seek guidance from him in every aspect of our lives, that He will provide us with more peace, love, and abundance than we could ever imagine.
In this podcast, you will find Bible studies, Spiritual Development tips, Mindset tips, and soo much more.