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How to Identify & Eliminate Your Limiting Beliefs So You can Take That Leap of FAITH. 5 Steps

faith fuels my fire

"I'm not good enough."

"What if I fail?"

"Who am I to do something like this?"

"What if no one listens to me?"

These are just some of the limiting beliefs that I thought when I first wanted to start my podcast. I was constantly battling between the calling that God placed on my heart and my own thoughts and my own limiting beliefs of why I can't do what the Lord has already called me to do. I knew I had to get out of my own head so I could stay faithful to the calling that God placed in my heart, so I implemented 5 steps to finally take that leap of faith.

If you are reading this right now, I know that there is a calling that has been placed on your heart. There's something that you want to do or that you're being called or led to do, but there are things that are holding you back from taking that leap of faith. Today we're going to be tackling those limiting beliefs, so you can finally take that leap of faith and stay faithful to the calling that's been placed on your heart.

Here are 5 Steps to Implement to Identify & Eliminate Your Limiting Beliefs:

1. The first thing that you have to do to eliminate your limiting beliefs is to identify what they are:

- So go ahead and get out a piece of paper and a pen, because we're about to tackle these limiting beliefs. And I need you to write these down.

- So when you're thinking of that thing, whatever it is that you're being called or led to do, what are the things that pop up in your head of reasons why you can't do that thing? Write those things down, whatever pops up in your head, write it all down.

All right, now that you have your limiting beliefs written down, we're going to start the elimination process of tackling these beliefs. I'm just going to state the obvious real quick. If you have this calling placed on your heart and you feel like you're being led to do this thing, you already are qualified already. It doesn't matter what you have written down on that paper, telling you reasons why you can't do it. There is a big reason why you've been led and called to do this. And it's no accident that you feel this tug in your heart to do this thing. There's no accident. There's a reason for it and a purpose. Maybe you don't understand it right now, but it's not our job to understand it, it's our duty to just take that leap of faith and do the thing. When we have this tug on our hearts, we have to just take the leap of faith.

2. Take that piece of paper with all those limiting beliefs that you just wrote down and rip it up,

- Just tear it into shreds, just rip the piece of paper up into little bitty pieces or however you want to do it. Just rip up the paper with those limiting beliefs.

- If you're anything like me, you may be thinking "no, I can't rip up this piece of paper, I need to be able to remember these limiting beliefs so if I have them in the future," But no, we don't want to remember these limiting beliefs. So it's okay. Just go ahead and rip them up, girl, just rip them up.

So I'm just going to write a Bible verse real quick before I get into the next step. I recommend writing this down because you're going to remind yourself of this Bible verse quite frequently.

I can do all things through Christ, which strengthens me

-Philippians 4:13.

Let me just reiterate this: you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you. It doesn't say you can do some things, you can do one thing, you can do a little bit; you can do all things because Christ gives you strength.

One more verse that I want you to write down:

"We walk by faith, not by sight."

-2 Corinthians 5:7

So even though you can't see, and you don't have a clear vision of how this thing is going to turn out, God knows. He would not have put this calling on your heart, he would have not led you to do this thing if you weren't meant to do it. He knows everything, he's the almighty, as long as you lean on him for guidance, support, wisdom, knowledge, and strength: he will provide. So what's not important for us to know exactly what's going to come of this thing. It's not important for us to see the bigger picture. We just have to have faith and rely on God to give us that strength.

3. So the third step that I want you to take is saying these two Bible verses out loud:

- Say "I can do all things through Christ, which strengthens me." And "we walk by faith, not by sight."

- You can say these many times as you want, I would recommend saying them at least five times.

- When you're saying these two verses, I want you to truly believe it. Now I know you're thinking, "well, how can I just believe something like that? It's not that simple. You can't just say something and believe it." I totally get that. So say it until you believe it.

You have this calling in your heart. You're being led to do this thing. You cannot let these limiting beliefs and these lies that you've been telling yourself get in the way of your bigger purpose and what God is calling you to do. You're reading this for a reason, for a very specific reason. You want so badly to get rid of these limiting beliefs that have been holding you down and then holding you back from doing whatever it is that you're being called and led to do. So, however many times it takes, keep saying those verses in your core, fill it in your soul, and in your spirit. Go look at that beautiful face in the mirror, tell yourself in the mirror, these things.

God is right here with you, he is always right here with you, just waiting for you to take his hand so he can give you the strength to do the thing. He's just waiting for you to lean on him. He already has all the knowledge and wisdom for you. He already has a plan for you. You just have to lean on him for it. Don't trust these thoughts in your head telling you "you're not good enough," "you're not qualified," "who are you to do that?" "Who are you to try and make an impact?" Don't for a second longer let the devil hold you back from doing what God has called you to do.

These limiting beliefs have no power over you anymore. You've written them down. You've ripped them up. If you didn't write these down and rip them up, do it right now. I'm telling you it's part of the release process. Write them down, rip them up, and then say these Bible verses "I can do all things through Christ, which strengthens me." "We walk through faith, not by sight."

4. Pray:

- Pray with the intention of letting God know that you're ready.

- That your heart, your mind, your body, and your spirit is open to him, and you're ready to step into the calling that God has placed on your heart.

- Pray for wisdom and knowledge and strength and courage to know exactly what your next step should be, and to give you the strength to just take that leap of faith without understanding or knowing the end result.

-This is your prayer with God so you don't have to say exactly what I'm telling you to say. Say whatever feels right to you and your relationship with God. Just speak from your heart and pray with the intention of letting him know that you're going to be taking that leap of faith and staying faithful to what he has called and led you to do.

5. The next and the final step to take is to just do the thing:

- Just take that leap of faith once and for all, and just do whatever it is that God's called you to do. Just start doing it.

- You don't have to know how, why, or what, or have all of your questions answered: God will do that in His perfect timing. Right here, right now, just start doing the thing, take that leap of faith, trust and lean on God every step of the way.

- However many times you need to say those Bible verses: "I can do all things through Christ, which strengthens me." And "We walk by faith and not by sight." Tell yourself those things every day, multiple times a day, however long it takes, and make sure that you're leaning on God and trusting God every step of the way.

- Today, right now, just start doing the thing you've already been led and called to do it. You already know what it is that God wants you to do, now do it; just start doing it.

I hope this helped you to eliminate your limiting beliefs and to finally take that leap of faith once and for all.

I love you guys so much and I truly care for each and every single one of you guys reading this, even though I may not know who you are. God has put this calling on my heart to serve and to make an impact in your life by helping you with the same struggles that I've had through my journey of staying faithful to the calling that God has placed on my heart and through my journey of personal development. I just appreciate each and every single one of you guys so much and I know that God has amazing things in store for you.

I'm going to say a prayer for you. So if you would please close your eyes and pray with me. Lord, I pray that you are with each and every single person listening to this right now. I pray that you give them the wisdom, knowledge, and understanding to know exactly to do next, what their next step should be, and I pray that you just guide them and support them and give them strength along the way. I pray that they open up their heart, their mind, and their spirit to you Lord, and they just trust in you completely. I pray that they just stay faithful to whatever it is that you're calling them to do and that they know that there's a specific reason why you're calling them to do this and that they don't need to understand why or how or what, but the most important thing is staying faithful to what you've called them to do and following you Lord. In your name, Amen.

Never forget to choose faith over fear.

-Lorena Camille (Faith Fuels My Fire)

p.s. If you'd rather listen to Faith-based, business, mindset, and mental health tips, then check out my podcast. There I will share my personal experiences, stories I've never told before, and bring you along this hot mess life of mine. New episodes every week.

For past Bible Studies of Jeremiah (1-15), check out my YouTube Channel.

For weekly Bible Studies, tune in each week to my podcast. Each week, I go over a new chapter/s of the Book of Jeremiah.

You can also follow me on Instagram (_lorenacamille_) I'll be posting frequently and doing daily stories.

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©2019 by Faith Fuels My Fire. 

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