Do you ever feel like you're straying away from God? Like you are trying to do everything on your own?
Or, you're so focused on everyday life that you forget to acknowledge him on a daily basis?
Or maybe.... you have been devoting so much time and energy into other people or things that they've become your priority over God?
Let me just say... I'VE BEEN THERE. More times than I'd like to admit.
It has taken me a lot of personal development, transformation, and very emotional talks with God to build the relationship that I have with him now.
It is still an everyday process for me to stay grounded and not forget why I'm even here in the first place. I have to remind myself everyday that God is the reason for everything that I am and everything that I have.
Throughout strengthening my relationship with God, I started implementing 5 things everyday to keep God in the forefront of my daily life.
These 5 things that I implement everyday are:
1. Prayer
- I pray first thing every morning, before I even get out of bed.
- I just pray and thank God for waking up, for allowing me to breath, talk, walk, see, etc.
- I have an honest prayer to God and let him know that he has every bit of me, that I'm giving my all to him, and that every decision I make will be the decision that he wants me to make.
2. Read a scripture
- After I finish with my prayer, I pull out my phone and read a scripture.
- I have the "Holy Bible" app on my phone and I'll read a chapter of the scripture from where I left off the day before.
- I also read the verse of the day which is in the same bible app that I use.
3. Listen to a Faith Based Podcast
- After praying and reading a scripture, the next thing I'll do is put my headphones in and listen to a Faith-based podcast.
- Now you can watch a video, read, or what ever you like to do best, but my favorite thing to do is to listen to podcasts because I can put my headphones in and multitask while I listen.
- Some of the most intense, emotional moments that I've had with God have been after listening to a podcast.
- My favorite faith based podcast is "The Mompreneur Mastermind Show" by Stephanie Gass. If you are looking for an amazing podcast that combines faith and business, then I definitely recommend checking her out (and no, she did not pay me to say this. lol.)
4. Listen to Christian music.
- I love to listen to music throughout the day while I'm working on my business or pretty much while I'm doing anything.
- My favorite thing to listen to is "Christian hits radio" on Pandora.
- God has a way of providing me with the perfect songs for the moment.
- Listening to these songs throughout the day helps remind me that God is always there for me and keep me grounded.
5. Recognize and thank God for every win that I had throughout the day.
- Anytime I accomplish something throughout the day, big or small, I take a moment to recognize and thank God for allowing me to accomplish that thing.
- Exs:
* If I had a super difficult task and I was able to complete it, I thank him for that.
* If I made a sale in my business, I thank him.
* If someone messages me and tells me I've inspired them in any way, I thank God.
- I always make a point to acknowledge and recognize that God is the one that has Given me to skills and knowledge to accomplish everything that I accomplish.
These five things that i implement every day helps keep me grounded and keep God in the forefront of my daily life so I'll never forget our savior and how amazing he truly is.
If you've been feeling even remotely like I described in the beginning of this post, then start implementing these things to keep God in the forefront of your daily life.
I hope they help you just as they've helped me.
Before I let you go I want to leave you with this prayer: I pray that you never forget how amazing our God truly is. I pray that you give your all to him and let him guide you through every aspect of your life. I pray that God gives you the knowledge, strength, consistency, and motivation to accomplish all of the things that you need to accomplish to get closer to fulfilling the purpose that God has for you, And I pray that you recognize that God is the reason for everything you do and have in life. In Jesus name, Amen.
Never forget to choose faith over fear.
-Lorena Camille
(Faith Fuels My Fire)
p.s. If you'd rather listen to Faith based, business, mindset, and mental health tips, then check out my podcast. There I will share my personal experiences, stories I've never told before, and bring you along the hot mess life of mine. New episodes every Monday.
You can also follow me on Instagram (_lorenacamille_.) I'll be posting frequently and doing daily stories. I'll follow you back :)
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