In this episode I go over my story on my struggles with my Faith, how I got rebaptized, recommitted my life to Jesus Christ, and the importance of being obedient to the calling that God is placing on your heart.
First I want to say a quick prayer.... Lord I pray that you lift up every single person reading this right now. I pray that you open up our eyes, our heart, and our mind to you Lord. I pray that whoever needs to see this is able to read this, that they get whatever it is that you want them to get out of it, and that they implement it in their daily life. I pray that you just guide us through every single aspect of our lives and help us along the way. I love you with my whole heart. In Jesus' name, Amen.
Alright, so I know I talked about this a couple of times in a couple of different episodes that I got rebaptized and I told you guys that eventually I may do an episode on that. So today it's just all about my story of me getting rebaptized and a backstory on how it happened. I wasn't going to talk about this at all, other than just a couple of times that I mentioned it very briefly, but I did decide to do a full episode on this because I feel like someone really needs to hear this. Maybe you are struggling with the decision of getting rebaptized and you feel that tug in your heart to do it, but maybe you got baptized when you were younger and there's outside opinions or other people telling you that it's not necessary to get baptized again, but you still feel that tug in your heart. So that's why I really wanted to just talk about my story on this, how it happened, and all of that.
So let's just start from the beginning. When I was five years old is when I first got saved. I was doing a Bible study with my grandfather at night. When I would stay at my grandparents' house I would do Bible studies with them. One of the verses that he was reading to me was John 3:16 and it says: "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." My Grandfather was explaining that verse to me and I decided at that moment that I wanted to get saved.
There were a lot of times throughout my childhood and growing up where I questioned if I was actually saved or not. I went to a Christian school up until second grade and every day they would say a prayer, they would have everybody close their eyes, and whoever wasn't saved, if they felt in their heart they needed to get saved, then they would say that prayer. I said that prayer so many times because I wasn't sure if I was actually saved. Then I decided to get baptized when I was 10 years old. At the time that I got baptized when I was 10 years old I did feel like I was saved. I started really growing a relationship with Christ, spreading love and light to others, and letting other people know about God.
During my teenage years and into my twenties I had a very wild streak and I strayed away from Christ. I always went to church growing up, I knew about God, I felt like I was saved, and I was a Christian, but there were so many things that I did that I knew I shouldn't do. I did feel kind of bad about those things, but I had just kept pushing Christ off so much that I felt like he was so far away where that conviction of the Holy Spirit wasn't as strong for me. I didn't feel that heavy conscience when I would do things wrong because I had strayed so far away from Christ. There were times throughout those years where I would pray to God and I would start to get close to him again, and then I would stray back away from him. In this period of time in my life I was just so lost and confused. I had a lot of questions and I started questioning everything. In my heart I always knew that God was real, but I just got very lost.
About 3 years ago I went through a period of time where I was so lost, I was so depressed, and anxiety ridden. I had just lost my job and I talked about this in one of my episodes where I lost my job due to anxiety. I had an anxiety attack and had to pull off the side of the road on my way to work. My job just ended up just letting me go. I called them and explained what happened, but they just said that they hate to see me go, but don't bother coming in basically. After I had lost my job I just really went in a downward spiral. I remember a day where I just felt like I couldn't handle it anymore. I just didn't know how I was going to keep on living and I just fell down to my knees. I listened to a song called "On my knees" by Jackie Velasquez. This song was something that my mom used to sing. When I was growing up she was in the praise team at my church, and she used to sing that song at other churches and different times she would sing that song. That specific day I just had the feeling to listen to that song, I just broke down crying, I was praying to God, and just asking Jesus to help me. I didn't know what to do or who to turn to, but I did feel this tug that I just had to pray to God.
After that I slowly started really strengthening my relationship with Christ. I started studying the Bible, praying, and the more I got closer to Christ, I started feeling this tug that maybe I should get rebaptized. I saw some other people in my family get baptized and I kept thinking that maybe I'm just crazy. I mean I had already been baptized before and I also told a few people in my family that I thought about getting rebaptized and they just questioned me. It started making me question myself even though I really had this tug on my heart to get rebaptized, to be obedient to God, and show my obedience through baptism.
So in March of 2020 I recommitted my life to Christ. I knew that I was saved, but I just had that personal prayer and conversation with Jesus and I let him know that I knew that he was real, and that he's enough for me. I just had this very personal conversation with him and I fully recommitted my life to him, to following him, obeying his commands, to continue to stay faithful to my God led calling, to spreading the gospel, and letting other people know about him. At the time I was still battling with if I should get rebaptized or not. Also around that time I started reading the book of John. I got directed to the book of John by God when I was asking for direction on what I should read next. In the book of John it goes over John the Baptist, him baptizing with water, and all of that. I just started really feeling that tug even more, the more I read and studied the book of John, because God was plainly telling me that I need to get baptized again, show my obedience, be baptized, and repent.
I had every excuse for months from feeling that tug really strong in March until September, for those six months, I had every excuse to not get baptized. I had already done it when I was 10 years old and in my head I thought people were going to think that I was crazy, or people were going to make fun of me. I was just so worried about what people were going to think of me. I was doing these Bible studies on the book of Jeremiah at the time and I was doing faith based episodes. I just kept thinking what people would think of me if I am teaching you guys about Jesus and about God and I feel like I have to get rebaptized. I just was in my head thinking that others were going to think some way about me. Then I had talked to other people and they were questioning why and that was getting to me also, I was letting this fear of what others would think get in the way of me being faithful to that clear call that I had from Christ to get rebaptized.
On September 16th, 2020 I let go of all of those fears. The tug was so strong in my heart that I had to get rebaptized. There was no other option. It got to the point where God was just throwing it in my face and tugging my heart so much where I couldn't avoid it anymore. I couldn't come up with anymore excuses because I knew that the call was so clear to be obedient to Christ and to get rebaptized. Once I got baptized on September 16th, 2020, it was the best feeling. I felt this overwhelming weight off of my shoulders and I just felt free. I was buried with my sins and alive in Christ. Right before I got baptized I started getting really emotional. The preacher was asking me why I decided to get rebaptized and I was so emotional. I just felt that tug on my heart so much and he could tell that it was something that was heavy on my heart and something I really needed to do. It just felt amazing getting rebaptized and I knew that I had been obedient to Christ and that I was staying faithful to the calling that he had placed on my heart.
The reason why I decided to go into depth with this and tell you guys my story is because I know there's someone out there that may be feeling the same way that I did. Someone is feeling that tug to get rebaptized, but is letting the fear of what others are going to think get in the way of staying faithful to that tug and to that calling. I just want to let you know not to let anything get in the way of staying faithful to Christ. When you feel in your heart that you should do something to be obedient to Christ and to stay faithful to him, there should not be anything that gets in the way of that. The most important thing is staying faithful to him, letting the Holy Spirit guide you, and having that relationship with Christ. We cannot let the world, others, their opinions, or anything else get in the way of our relationship with Christ. Your personal relationship with Christ, you getting rebaptized, saved, or whatever it is that you're struggling with, has nothing to do with anyone else but you and Christ.
The most important thing that you can do is stay faithful to your relationship with Christ and what he's called you to do. Once you are obedient to him, once you finally let go of those fears and you take that leap of faith, you're going to get that confirmation that that's exactly what you should have done. It's going to feel great being obedient to Christ and staying faithful to him, and it's going to help strengthen your relationship with him. Worldly desires, worldly people, and the opinions of others don't matter when it comes to staying faithful to Christ and having a relationship with him.
So there are a few scriptures that I want to put here pertaining to baptism. There's nothing in the Bible about rebaptism, but I think that if you feel that tug in your heart, if you know that you've been called by God to do that, then that's what you should do. There's nothing in the Bible saying that you shouldn't get rebaptized either. If the Holy Spirit is guiding you to do something and you're feeling that tug in your heart to do it, then there can't be anything wrong with that.
Here are the scriptures about baptism:
Jesus answered, "I tell you the truth, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless he is born of water and the Spirit." -John 3:5
"As soon as Jesus was baptized, he went up out of the water. At that moment heaven was opened, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and lighting on him." -Matthew 3:16
So Jesus was baptized. Maybe you haven't even gotten baptized and you feel like it's not important. Maybe you've been taught that baptism is not important, but Jesus got baptized. Also I'm going to put another verse below that clearly we can tell Jesus is calling his disciples to baptize others.
"Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."
-Matthew 28:19-20
So I know these verses aren't about being rebaptized, but they are about baptism. Baptism is very important to be buried in your sins and risen in Christ, showing that obedience to Christ, becoming a disciple of Christ, spreading the gospel, and letting other people know about him so that they may be saved and go to heaven also. Whatever tug on your heart that you're feeling from God you have to stay faithful to that. There's a reason why you feel that tug in your heart. There's a reason why you keep going back to that same thing that you're battling with. God is trying to tell you something, he wants you to do something, and you have to stay faithful to that. No matter what other people are going to think, no matter what your fear is telling you, your thoughts are telling you, you have to stay faithful to that calling that God's placed on your heart. If it's getting rebaptized or not, whatever you know in your heart that God wants you to do, you have to stay faithful to that. That's what it was for me with being rebaptized. It was about being faithful, repentance, and being obedient to Christ and the that calling that he placed on my heart to get rebaptized.
So I hope this episode helped you guys to really understand why I got rebaptized and to help you guys to be able to stay faithful to whatever it is that God is calling you to do, to just take that leap of faith and to know that the most important thing is your relationship with Christ.
I love you guys so much.
Never forget to choose faith over fear.
-Lorena Camille (Faith Fuels My Fire)
p.s. If you'd rather listen to Faith-based, business, mindset, and mental health tips, then check out my podcast. There I will share my personal experiences, stories I've never told before, and bring you along with this hot mess life of mine. New episodes every week.
For weekly Bible Studies, tune in every week to my podcast. Every week I go over a new chapter/s of the Book of John.
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Scripture taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION. Copyright 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved.