Here is a teaching on part 1 of chapter 6 of the book of Luke. If you want to check out previous Bible studies and chapters going forward, join our group here. Once you get added into that Facebook group, you can go to the "units" tab and you'll see all of the chapters and their study guides as they are being taught.
First I want to say a quick prayer... Lord, I pray that you lift up every single person reading this right now. Please open up our eyes, our minds, our ears, and our hearts to you Lord. Please give us knowledge and understanding to know exactly what it is that we're reading and the wisdom to implement it in our daily lives. I pray that whatever it is that each person is supposed to receive from this Bible study, they receive it and they implement it in their daily life. I love you with every ounce of my being. In Jesus' name, Amen.
Luke Chapter 6 Part 1:
1 One Sabbath Jesus was going through the grainfields, and his disciples began to pick some heads of grain, rub them in their hands and eat the kernels. 2 Some of the Pharisees asked, “Why are you doing what is unlawful on the Sabbath?”
3 Jesus answered them, “Have you never read what David did when he and his companions were hungry? 4 He entered the house of God, and taking the consecrated bread, he ate what is lawful only for priests to eat. And he also gave some to his companions.” 5 Then Jesus said to them, “The Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath.”
Alright, so I'm going to discuss these verses with you guys here. So in verses 1-2, the Sabbath is supposed to be kept holy and there is not supposed to be any work on this day according to the law. In Exodus 20:8-11 you can see where it says to keep the Sabbath holy. In those verses, it says that the seventh day is for the Lord your God and you're not supposed to do any work on that day. So whenever the Pharisees saw Jesus' disciples and what they were doing, which was considered to work on the Sabbath, they asked why they were doing what was unlawful on the Sabbath.
In verses 3-5, the story of David and his companions eating the consecrated bread that Jesus is talking about here is from 1 Samuel chapter 21 if you want to go check that out. So Jesus was asking these religious leaders that were supposed to know the Old Testament so well if they had read that part about David and his companions eating the consecrated bread. Jesus told them that the Son of Man is the Lord of the Sabbath. We know that Jesus Christ is the Son of Man, so he is the Lord of the Sabbath. If Jesus, the Lord Himself, was not offended by what his disciples were doing, then neither should these religious leaders be offended. In Exodus chapter 20 it says that the Sabbath is for the Lord your God, and Jesus Christ is God the Son and he is the Lord of the Sabbath, so whatever he says about the Sabbath is what goes. But these religious leaders couldn't see that he was God the Son so they didn't understand.
6 On another Sabbath he went into the synagogue and was teaching, and a man was there whose right hand was shriveled. 7 The Pharisees and the teachers of the law were looking for a reason to accuse Jesus, so they watched him closely to see if he would heal on the Sabbath. 8 But Jesus knew what they were thinking and said to the man with the shriveled hand, “Get up and stand in front of everyone.” So he got up and stood there.
9 Then Jesus said to them, “I ask you, which is lawful on the Sabbath: to do good or to do evil, to save life or to destroy it?”
10 He looked around at them all, and then said to the man, “Stretch out your hand.” He did so, and his hand was completely restored. 11 But they were furious and began to discuss with one another what they might do to Jesus.
Alright, so I'm going to discuss these verses with you guys here. In what Jesus said in verse 9, he was showing these religious leaders that there is never a bad or wrong day to do something good. These religious leaders were so caught up in the law and wanted to accuse Jesus that they didn't realize that the Son of God was right there with them. He came to save the world and to do good, regardless of what day it was. Like we just learned in the verses before, Jesus is Lord of the Sabbath, so anything that he does on the Sabbath day he has authority to do. Jesus has no basis to be accused of any kind of crime or doing anything unlawful on the Sabbath.
In verse 10, when Jesus told this man with a shriveled hand to stretch out his hand, that was something that was impossible for the man to do. With the great power of Jesus, this man was able to stretch out his hand and his hand was completely restored. In verse 11, these religious leaders were mad that Jesus healed this man on a Sabbath and disregarded the law, so they were trying to figure out what to do with him.
Oh hey friend, sorry to interrupt this blog post, but I just wanted to remind you guys that "Christ Transforms Me," my 90-day journal is available for purchase on Amazon. Until further notice, all of the money that I receive from the purchases of that journal will be donated for the disaster relief of the people that were affected by the tornadoes that hit my hometown in Kentucky. To learn more about the journal or to purchase one, go to
12 One of those days Jesus went out to a mountainside to pray, and spent the night praying to God. 13 When morning came, he called his disciples to him and chose twelve of them, whom he also designated apostles: 14 Simon (whom he named Peter), his brother Andrew, James, John, Philip, Bartholomew, 15 Matthew, Thomas, James son of Alphaeus, Simon who was called the Zealot, 16 Judas son of James, and Judas Iscariot, who became a traitor.
In verses 13-16, Jesus had chosen twelve disciples that he designated to be apostles. I just want to go over the difference between a disciple and an apostle. A disciple is someone that learns from a teacher, and the teacher is Jesus. A disciple is also a follower of Jesus. An apostle is someone that is sent to deliver those teachings to others. So an apostle is a messenger of the teachings of Jesus Christ to other people. If you kept up with our Bible studies on the book of Acts, then you saw all about the different apostles and disciples in the book of Acts. So Jesus had many disciples, but he chose twelve of them to be his apostles.
17 He went down with them and stood on a level place. A large crowd of his disciples was there and a great number of people from all over Judea, from Jerusalem, and from the coast of Tyre and Sidon, 18 who had come to hear him and to be healed of their diseases. Those troubled by evil spirits were cured, 19 and the people all tried to touch him, because power was coming from him and healing them all.
20 Looking at his disciples, he said:
“Blessed are you who are poor, for yours is the kingdom of God. 21 Blessed are you who hunger now, for you will be satisfied. Blessed are you who weep now, for you will laugh. 22 Blessed are you when men hate you, when they exclude you and insult you and reject your name as evil, because of the Son of Man.
23 “Rejoice in that day and leap for joy, because great is your reward in heaven. For that is how their fathers treated the prophets.
In verses 17-19, a large crowd of Jesus's disciples and a great number of people came to hear Jesus teach and to be healed by him. All the people tried to touch him to be healed because there was power coming from him. Once they touched him, they were immediately healed so everybody was trying to go up to him and touch him.
In verse 20, the poor here is the poor in spirit. So the people that recognize their own sins, their spiritual emptiness and poverty, and their need for God are who Jesus is talking about here. Not poor people that don't have money or materialistic things, but the poor in spirit. Just like we saw in our Bible study from part 1 of chapter 5 of Luke, where Simon Peter told Jesus to go away from him because he was a sinful man. Peter recognized that he was poor in spirit and his spiritual poverty compared to Jesus. So those who are poor in spirit are those who humble themselves in their spirit and know that they are nothing without God.
In verse 21, this hunger that Jesus is talking about is spiritual hunger. This spiritual hunger can only be satisfied by Jesus Christ. He is the bread of life, and we went over that in our Bible study from chapter 6 of the book of John. If you want to go check out John chapter 6 verse 35, it talks about Jesus being the bread of life. So just like when we are hungry, all we can focus on is food because we are so hungry, if all we focus on is Jesus and having that spiritual hunger be fulfilled by Jesus, then we will be satisfied. Where he says weep, this is weeping over our sins. Whenever we are sad because of sins and the guilt and shame that it brings, we will laugh whenever Jesus makes things right. Jesus dies on the cross to forgive us of our sins and whenever we ask him to come into our hearts then we have eternal life in him and he washes us white as snow and he takes all of our sins away. So in that time, the people that were weeping over their sins will have laughter.
In verse 22, as followers of Jesus Christ, we are going to receive hate and persecution. We went over that in our Bible study from chapter 15 of the book of John, but it's in verses 18-25 if you want to go check it out. In those verses, Jesus says that the world will hate his disciples. So in verse 23 of chapter 6 of Luke, we see that we can be happy when we are hated because we have Jesus Christ and we are persecuted and hated because of the name of Jesus Christ. Jesus was also hated and persecuted, and the prophets from the Old Testament were also persecuted because of Jesus Christ. We actually went over the church being persecuted and scattered in our Bible studies from Acts chapter 8 if you kept up with those.
24 “But woe to you who are rich,
for you have already received your comfort.
25 Woe to you who are well fed now,
for you will go hungry.
Woe to you who laugh now,
for you will mourn and weep.
26 Woe to you when everyone speaks well of you,
for that is how their ancestors treated the false prophets.
Alright, so these are all the verses that I'm going to read in part 1 of Chapter 6 of the book of Luke, but I'm going to discuss all of these verses with you guys here. So the word woe here is a word of regret and compassion. In verse 24, those who are rich and don't have a need for anything, and they already have an abundance of materialistic things and love for money, have already received their comfort so they don't feel that they have any need for Jesus. That is a shame because we all need Jesus and we all should long for Him and seek to have a relationship with him and live and have a heart like him.
In verse 25, those that feel that they have no spiritual hunger needs or they don't need anything so they don't go looking for Jesus will become hungry because they haven't been satisfied by Jesus Christ. He is the only one that can satisfy our spiritual hunger. Those who laugh now and think that everything is great will mourn and weep later. Jesus is the only one that can save us. If we are not seeking him and coming to him and asking for forgiveness and following him, then there will be a time when he is going to come back for his people and those that thought everything was fine and thought that they didn't need Jesus would weep and mourn when they realize that they are going to be going to hell and that they are dead in their sins.
In verse 26, Jesus is saying here that the false prophets from the Old Testament are well spoken of. He has regret and compassion for those people that are well spoken of because that is how the false prophets were treated, You can't get into the kingdom of heaven by being well spoken of and by being a false prophet. You can only enter the kingdom of heaven through Jesus Christ. In John chapter 14:6 Jesus says: "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." So those that are not poor in spirit and those that are not seeking Jesus and that don't have that spiritual hunger, will not enter the kingdom of God because they feel that they don't need Jesus and that they can make it into heaven on their own. We all need Jesus and the only way that we can make it into heaven is by being saved by Jesus Christ.
Here are 3 takeaways to write down:
1. Jesus is Lord of the Sabbath
2. Jesus blesses the humble in spirit
3. As Jesus' disciples, we will receive hate and persecution
Luke Ch 6 Part 1 Study Guide
In verses 1-2, should these religious leaders be offended by what Jesus’ disciples are doing? Why or why not?
Is there ever a bad or a wrong day to do something good? Why or why not?
In verse 11, why were the Pharisees mad?
What is the difference between a disciple and an apostle?
What does it mean to be poor in spirit?
Who is the only one that can satisfy our spiritual hunger? Why?
Why should we rejoice when we receive hate and persecution?
What is the only way that we can make it into heaven?
What is your biggest takeaway from this Bible study?
So that concludes this Bible study on part 1 of chapter 6 of the Book of Luke. Tomorrow we're going to go into part 2, so make sure you stay tuned for that.
I love you guys so much.
Never forget to choose faith over fear.
-Lorena Camille (Faith Fuels My Fire)
p.s. If you'd rather listen to Faith-based, spiritual growth, mindset, and mental health tips, then check out my podcast. There I will share my personal experiences, stories I've never told before, and bring you along with this hot mess life of mine. New episodes daily.
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Scripture taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION. Copyright 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights