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How to Stay Faithful to Your God-led Calling After You've Been Distracted. Getting Back on Track

faith fuels my fire

Have you been having trouble staying faithful to your God-led calling?

Have you been getting distracted with worldly things and doing what you want to do instead of what God is calling you to do?

Or maybe you thought that the thing you are doing now is something that God called you to do, but you realize that it wasn’t?

Trust me girl... I get it.

If you’ve been here since the beginning then you know that God had called me to start this podcast over a year ago. For months I didn’t listen to that call because of my own fears and doubts. I finally started this podcast on November 11, 2019, and I’ve been staying faithful to this call ever since, but it hasn't always been easy to stay focused and not get distracted.

A few months ago I had this thought, or this Holy Spirit moment, that it was time for something else. I wasn’t sure what that something else was so I decided to look into a new networking marketing company. I had been missing network marketing and when I heard that thought my first reaction was that maybe It was time to start a new network marketing company. I ended up joining a new network marketing company after praying about it for a few days and I thought that was what God was calling me to do.

After a couple of weeks with this new company I started feeling very confused and my whole world was turning upside down. Things were happening out of my control and I couldn’t understand why things were going the way that they were. I still was trying to work for the network marketing company and do what I thought God was calling me to do for the next couple of weeks. Then I realized that I had to completely let God in and that I was still trying to control my own life. I was still trying to make my own decisions and I was not fully trusting that what God wanted me to do was exactly what I was supposed to be doing. So whenever I got this thought or Holy Spirit moment telling its time for the next thing, I automatically thought “oh let’s start this new network marketing company” and do something that I had been missing and what was comfortable for me.

So while I was really digging into my Bible and seeking guidance and clarity from Christ and trusting in him with all of my heart, I got clarity on a few different things and it started making more sense of what that "something else" was supposed to be. I stopped doing The Bible studies on the book of Jeremiah and I started teaching you guys about Jesus Christ and doing the Bible studies on the book of John. God wasn’t calling me to start a new networking marketing company, he was calling me to teach a new book of the Bible. It’s super easy to get distracted and want to just do what you want to do and what you see other people do when you’re not fully trusting in God and seeking guidance from Jesus Christ every step of the way.

Here are 3 things to implement to help you to stay faithful to your God led calling:

1. Pray

- Ask for knowledge, understanding, guidance, & clarity from the Lord. This is your own personal prayer, so say whatever you want to say to the Lord.

2. Be Still and Listen

- You have to silence your mind and the noise of the world. You may want to unplug from social media for a few days and really just focus on the Lord and your relationship with him.

3. Study the Bible

- Seek the truth of Gods word and really dig deep into studying the Bible to help you discover exactly what it is that God is calling you to do

You may have to do these steps on repeat until you have clarity on exactly what it is that you should be doing, and when the time is right, it will come to you.

Before I let you go, I’m going to say a quick prayer for you.... Lord, I pray that you are with every single person reading this right now and that you give them the clarity that they are searching for. I pray that they let you guide them through every decision they make. I pray that they listen to you, trust you, and let go of all the distractions around them and what their heart and mind want and they let go of all the influences of other people and they focus on you and what you want them to do. I love you so much, Lord. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Never forget to choose faith over fear.

-Lorena Camille (Faith Fuels My Fire)

p.s. If you'd rather listen to Faith-based, business, mindset, and mental health tips, then check out my podcast. There I will share my personal experiences, stories I've never told before, and bring you along with this hot mess life of mine. New episodes every week.

For weekly Bible Studies, tune in every week to my podcast. Every week I go over a new chapter/s of the Book of John.

You can also follow me on Instagram (_lorenacamille_) I'll be posting frequently and doing daily stories.

For past Bible Studies on the book of Jeremiah, join our Facebook Community


©2019 by Faith Fuels My Fire. 

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