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How to Release the Negative to Make Room For the Positive. Reflection on 2020

Have you been holding on to the negative things from 2020?

Do you feel like it's hard to think positive when so many things have happened in the past year?

Just feeling like you're in a rut and not sure how to get out of it?

I got you....

Today I'm going to go on all into the nitty gritty of 2020 and we're going to do an exercise to release the negative to make room for the positive. So get out a piece of paper and a pen because you're going to need it at least by the end of this episode.

First I am going to go over what my word for 2020 was and reflect on it. If you had a word for 2020 then you can write down your word and reflect on it as well.

My word for 2020 was: INTENTIONAL...

I feel like my word ended up being perfect for 2020. We all know some crazy stuff went down in 2020. the virus happened, there was a big ruckus with the political stuff (there's still stuff going on with political stuff and the virus), everything got shut down and people had to quarantine, just a lot of stuff happened. 2020 was a pretty heavy year but I feel like with the virus happening and us having to be quarantined, it gave us a lot more time to be intentional with our time, with our focus, and just everything, we had to really be intentional. A lot of people couldn't leave their house, some people lost their jobs, some people have just been stuck in the house for months, and it really gave us time to just focus on what's important, reassess, and really be intentional with our time. The work that God has done through me in 2020 (and is still doing) blows my mind. He has showed me so many amazing things and there's been a lot of tough things that I've had to go through and I've grown through them and I've gotten stronger with God by my side.

So what I'm going to do here to reflect on 2020 is I'm going to tell you guys some things that I didn't expect to happen in 2020 or things that didn't go my way and then I'm also going to tell you guys the great things that happened in 2020. I want you guys to also do this exercise with me. Just write down the things that didn't go your way or that you didn't expect that happened in 2020. Once you write down all of those, then write down the great things that happened in 2020. So you can either do now or do that at the end of this blog, but I'm going to go into my things and share with you what happened in 2020 for me.

The things that I didn't expect or that didn't go my way in 2020:

1. My dad passed away

-That was something that was very hard and even though it was kind of expected because he did have a terminal illness, we still didn't know exactly when it was going to happen.

-This was something that I really had to rely on the strength of God to help me.

2. The virus hit, we had to quarantine, and all of that

-So that was just something that we've really had to adjust to and it was something that no one was used to.

-It was a big adjustment going from being able to leave the house whenever you want and be able to do whatever you want, to literally just being stuck at the house, having to wear a mask, and only going somewhere if it was a necessity.

3. I lost someone that was very important to me

-I tend to keep my private life when it comes to stuff like that very private, but someone that I honestly thought would be in my life for a long time and I thought potentially I would marry this person, I lost them.

-This was something that was very difficult for me to get over. Just trying to grasp the idea that that person would never be in my life again, that I wouldn't be able to call them when I had something exciting happen, or if I was having a bad day, or just to talk to them. Just knowing that they weren't going to be there anymore was a big adjustment for me.

4. My living situation changed

-I ended up moving with someone to help them, because throughout this year it's been really hard for them, they have bad anxiety, and just to help them with the kids, and different things,

-I kind of had to move my life around to help them and while I love them so much, I wanted to help them, and be a support for them, it was still something that I had to adjust to.

5. I quit network marketing

-I had been doing network marketing full time for over two years and it was something that was a big part of my life.

-It was something that was my main income source, I had grown these businesses, I had been a coach, and it was something that was a big part of my life.

-God put it in my heart to have another calling with this podcast, spreading the gospel, letting others know about Jesus Christ, doing these Bible studies, and to focus on him, having a close relationship with him, and not focus on my Instagram likes, Facebook likes. or how many sales I could get in a month, or all of the things that go with network marketing.

-God had way more important things for me to focus on.

-It was a big adjustment for me to just go from hardcore doing network marketing for two years to slowly completely quitting it altogether.

So those are some things that I didn't expect to happen in 2020. Those were some really hard and heavy things that I had to get through. Now that I've told you guys those things, I've written those things down, it's time to release the negative and make room for the positive. So all the things that happened in 2020, all of those negative things or things that were just hard for me to adjust to, I'm releasing them out into the world and to God, I'm giving it all to God, taking all that negative away and I'm making room for the positive. That's what I want you guys to do also. Once you've written down your things that you didn't expect to happen in 2020 or things that didn't go your way, release them and give them all to God.

Here are some of the great things that happened in 2020:

1. I strengthened my relationship with Christ

-I had to rely on Christ so much for strength, for guidance, and for support through every aspect of my life.

-I had to seek to have the closest relationship to Christ as possible, otherwise I would have gone insane.

-Last year really helped me to grow and strengthen my relationship with Christ.

2. I got rebaptized

-In September of 2020 I got rebaptized. I might talk about this in another blog and fully go into my rebaptism if anyone wants to hear about it.

-I got baptized when I was 10 years old and I did a lot of stuff in between the time I was 10 and now that I'm 26 and I really just lost myself during a period of time.

-Last year I found my way back to really believing in Jesus Christ, having that strong relationship with him, being a disciple of Jesus Christ, and loving him with my whole heart.

-I thought for me it was necessary to get rebaptized.

-It was a big milestone in my life, something that I am very proud of, and something that had been weighing heavy on my heart for a while and when I finally did it, it just felt so great.

3. Doing these Bible studies on my podcast

-God has given me truth, he has given me knowledge and understanding, and he has shown me all of these things that I never would have known if it wasn't for really seeking the truth from Him and having that close relationship with Him.

-God put it on my heart to do these Bible studies on my podcast.

-I did Bible studies on Jeremiah and now we're doing Bible studies on the book of John.

-Every week I go in and I do these Bible studies with you guys and help you guys to learn and understand as I'm learning and understanding the Bible better.

-These Bible studies have just been something that's been really great and really helped me to stay motivated, stay studying my Bible, and seeking the truth of God's word, because I'm constantly doing these Bible studies and teaching them to you.

4. I've had more time to be intentional

-With quarantine and the pandemic and everything happening, it freed up a lot of time for me to be able to be intentional and not have to worry about going anywhere or doing anything because we were just stuck in the house.

-I've had a lot of time to be able to study my Bible and have a closer relationship with Christ, strengthen my relationship with my family, do fun things with my family, watch movies, play video games or board games, bake with them and just do different things that wasn't always easy in the past because I didn't have much time.

5. A lot of the distractions went away

-I no longer had distractions of worldly things (or not as many).

-I could focus solely on the things that were the most important in my life and that is my relationship with Christ, spreading the gospel, making an impact in other people's lives, spending quality time with my family, and really just giving them the love and attention that they need.

So whenever I think about all of the amazing things that happened in 2020 and how I was able to be more intentional, I was able to strengthen my relationship with Christ, and just all of these amazing things, it makes me think that 2020 really wasn't that bad. So I want you to really just think about once you write down the things that didn't go your way, and also the great things that happened in 2020, just think: was 2020 really that bad? Or was there more good things than bad? Or maybe there weren't more good things than bad, but the good things weighed out the bad because they were so significant in your life.

So that is my reflection on 2020. Overall I feel like even with the way that 2020 was so crazy, I think overall it was a good year for me. I was able to strengthen my relationship with Christ, really stay faithful to my God led calling, let go of all the distractions, be more intentional, and get closer to Christ than I've ever been before.

Before I let you guys go I did want to say a quick prayer.... Lord I pray that you lift up every single person reading this right now. I pray that you open up their eyes to see the truth of your words. I pray that you open up their heart to see all of the good and amazing things that have happened in 2020. I pray that they have peace knowing you're in complete control in that they're able to let go of all of the negative in 2020, release all of that, give all of that to you, and just focus on the positive, the year ahead, and all of the amazing things that you're going to do in their life if they just let you guide them, direct them, and they just lean on you every step of the way. I love you with my whole heart Lord. In Jesus' name, Amen.

Next week I'm going to go into my word for 2021. I'm also going to give you guys five things to help you with spiritual growth. So stay tuned for that because you're definitely not going to want to miss out on it.

I love you guys so much.

Never forget to choose faith over fear.

-Lorena Camille (Faith Fuels My Fire)

p.s. If you'd rather listen to Faith-based, business, mindset, and mental health tips, then check out my podcast. There I will share my personal experiences, stories I've never told before, and bring you along with this hot mess life of mine. New episodes every week.

For weekly Bible Studies, tune in every week to my podcast. Every week I go over a new chapter/s of the Book of John.

You can also follow me on Instagram (_lorenacamille_) I'll be posting frequently and doing daily stories.

For past Bible Studies on the book of Jeremiah, join our Facebook Community


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