I think I gave myself more than I could chew.
Sorry guys, I know It’s been almost two weeks since my last blog post. So here are some updates on what’s been going on...
I‘ve been doing so much the past couple of weeks it’s been a struggle trying to keep up with everything.
Last weekend we went to godstock, it was AMAZING.
I have been doing my weekly weightloss vlogs on YouTube that has clips of each day that you can check out here.
I have not been eating the healthiest these past couple of weeks but I have been eating smaller portions and drinking a gallon of water everyday.
With managing two YouTube channels, 3 businesses, and spending time with family, I have put my blog on the back burner and that was definitely not my intention. So I’m back with a new game plan.
Before, I was blogging every day which is great but not practical with everything going on lately. From now on I will be blogging twice a week (I will let you guys know if that changes.) Every week I will blog on Tuesdays and Thursdays. I have so many amazing ideas in store for this blog and I'm in the process of redesigning my website. I can't wait for you guys to see it.
Comment below and let me know what kind of blog posts you would like to see going forward. Any advice or tips you would like to get? Mindset? Recipes? Just let me know.
I love you guys so much.
Never forget to choose faith over fear.
We'll chat tomorrow
-Lorena Camille
(Faith Fuels My Fire)
p.s. If you want to see more of my weight loss journey, check out my YouTube Channel (Faith Fuels My Fire.) I will be posting a vlog every Wednesday.
You can also follow me on Instagram (faithfuelsmyfire.) I'll be posting everyday and doing stories. I'll follow you back :)