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Day 29- Week 4 Weigh In- I almost gave up today

Faith Fuels My Fire

I woke up today so excited to weigh.

It’s week 4 weigh in and I thought for sure I would lose at least 3 to 5 pounds. And then.... I weighed myself. I had lost 0.4 pounds.

I’ve been consistently losing at least 3 pounds every week for the past three weeks and this week I ONLY LOST .4 pounds!?!?

In the past this would’ve made me want to eat bad all this week which would end up with me eating bad till I didn’t have a diet anymore and I would have to start this whole journey all over again.

I just kept thinking to myself “I can’t let this defeat me. I can’t let this defeat me. I can’t let this defeat me.”

After that I was just sitting there I had made my smart coffee and then I was going to listen to some personal development to give me some motivation.

So I put on a podcast.... Within a minute of me putting on this podcast I just started breaking down. I had to pause the podcast and I just started bawling crying.

I just kept saying to myself “I need a minute. I need a minute. I need a minute.” Then I started to pray and I just kept saying “Lord. Lord. Lord,” I just kept repeating myself while I was still bawling crying.

I didn’t know what to do. I didn’t know what to say, I was so mind boggled. I was like what in the heck is going on right now.

Finally, I prayed for peace knowing that God is in complete control and that I will have faith that his will be done.

I was a finally calmed down enough to listen to a podcast, so I started listening and it was like exactly what I needed to hear.

It was about being defeated and finding your real purpose. They were also talking about telling your struggles to others.

It made me realize I just need to get over myself and stop feeling like I need to be perfect and hide my struggles from others.

A lot of people want others to think that they have it together, that their life is perfect, and they have no struggles in life. but when we do that we are doing a disservice to others and ourself.

People aren’t going to be able to relate to someone that has it all together. Someone that that loses a bunch of weight without any hardship, or makes a ton of money easily, etc.

It’s not going to help someone lose weight by telling people, “yeah I was able to lose 100 pounds in five months and all I had to do was just sit around and drink some coffee”

People want to hear your struggles. They want to know that you’re facing the same stuff that they’ve been facing and that they have someone that can relate to.

So I’m here today to tell my struggles to let you guys know that I’m not perfect and nobody in this world is perfect. Everybody struggles. Everybody goes through hardships.

Everyone has to re-evaluate and everybody has to figure out what the heck they’re doing at some point or another.

So if you’re reading this and you are struggling; maybe you’ve had a setback, or you’re at a standstill, or you don’t know what to do next; just know that God has a purpose for you.

You have a purpose that is way bigger than you, that’s way bigger than me, that only God knows for you.

If you let him, he will lead you on the right path. All you have to do is go one step at a time and let him lead you in that path.

Before you go I wanna leave you with this prayer... I pray that you have peace knowing that God is in complete control and I pray that you have clarity on the next step that you need to take. I pray that you have complete faith that God is going to lead you in the right path and that God wraps his arms around you and lets you know that you’re not alone. I pray that you just trust in him with all of your heart and never give up. I love you guys so much. in Jesus name. Amen.

Never forget to choose faith over fear.

We'll chat tomorrow

-Lorena Camille

(Faith Fuels My Fire)

p.s. If you want to see more of my weight loss journey, check out my YouTube Channel (Faith Fuels My Fire.) I will be posting a vlog every Wednesday.

You can also follow me on Instagram (faithfuelsmyfire.) I'll be posting everyday and doing stories. I'll follow you back :)


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