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5 Ways to Keep God in The Center of Your Life At All Times

Sometimes we can get so caught up with the world and our day to day life, that before we know it, it's time to go to bed and we haven't prayed, read our Bible, or even acknowledged the Lord our savior.

I was raised up in church, I've always known about God and I thought I had a pretty decent relationship with him. During the past year, I have been laser-focused on strengthening my relationship with God, really staying faithful to the calling that he's placed on my heart in studying the Bible, and just keeping him in the center of my life at all times. I noticed that years ago whenever I'd thought I had a decent relationship with him, I really wasn't making him a priority at all. I was only praying to him at night before I'd go to bed. I'd end up falling asleep praying to him, or if something I wanted to happen or something didn't go my way, I would pray about it. I was only coming to him when I needed something or to help me go to sleep at night.

There have been so many challenges that I've faced this year, but I also know that because I've had God by my side this whole time, I've been able to grow through things that normally would have taken me a lot longer to grow through. I've just been able to grow so much in this past a year because I'm relying on God every step of the way, he's guiding me, and he has my best interest at heart, and I know that he's got me.

I know there's a lot of people out here, and maybe you reading to this right now, that you feel like you have a pretty decent relationship with Christ, but you don't always implement him in your daily life all the time. You may be really stressed out right now or get stressed very easily. I know for me, whenever I didn't keep God in the center of my life at all times, I would get very stressed out very easily. And I just felt down all the time. I'm not saying I don't have those days where I feel down, but whenever I acknowledge that God is here and I do these five things that I'm about to tell you guys, I just feel this peace that I've never felt before and I have these breakthrough moments because I'm always relying on God through every single aspect of my life.

The five ways to keep God in the center of your life at all times are:

1. Start your day with him every single morning

- Before I even wake up in the morning, I say a prayer and I think God for everything,

- I thank him for the beautiful day, allowing me to walk, feel, touch, breathe, see, and every single thing,

- Starting your day off with God really helps set the tone for the whole day.

- I actually have a podcast episode about the importance of starting your day off with God and being thankful. If you want to go check that out.

2. Ask him for guidance with every decision that you make.

- No matter what decision you have to make; pray to him first before you make it and ask him for guidance, knowledge, and wisdom to know exactly what it is that you should do.

3. Thank him throughout the day.

- So any time I experience a win or even whenever things don't go my way, I still thank the Lord because I know that if something doesn't go the way I wanted it to, the Lord is saving me from something that wasn't good for me or wasn't in alignment with my bigger purpose and what he wants for my life.

- So I thank him whenever I have a win or when things do go my way, and I also thank him when things don't go my way or if they turn out completely different than I thought.

- I just thank him throughout the day and I acknowledge that he always has his hand in my life and he's always working for my best interest,

4, Study the Bible

- And when I say study the Bible, I mean actually study it, not just reading a verse of the day,

- I used to think that if I'm reading the verse of the day. I'm studying my Bible, But here just the past few months, I have really dug deep and really studied the Bible and got out pieces of paper and did my own study guides.

- I actually have on my YouTube, it's called faith fuels my fire. I'm doing a Bible study on Jeremiah right now, and I have study guides on that also. So if you want to follow along with Jeremiah, go check out my YouTube channel.

- When you really take the time to study the word, to study the scripture, and to know God's word, it really helps to keep him in the center of your life.

- It also helps with knowing what to do and what not to do. And it helps with understanding God's word because a lot of the times, especially when you're reading just a verse of the day, you're not getting the whole context of what the scripture said before and after that one verse.

- A lot of times people will think that a specific verse means one thing. But when you actually read the whole context of the scripture surrounded by that verse, you understand that it actually means something completely different than what you thought it meant.

- So it's very important to take the time to study your Bible every single day. And before I study my Bible, I always ask God for guidance, knowledge, wisdom, and understanding to know exactly what to read and to be able to understand what I'm reading and how to implement it in my daily life and how to take it and use it to make an impact in other people's lives.

- And I always just take my hand. I pull out my Bible and I ask him to guide me in exactly what he wants me to read that day. And then I flip through it with my hand. I just flip through wherever I feel like I'm supposed to be reading and where my finger lands, is where I start reading. It's always exactly what I needed to hear that day. Like it's always exactly what I needed that day. So that's what I do.

5. End your day with him

- So right before you go to bed every single night you want to end it with the prayer.

- Ending your day with God is very important.

- You can also study your Bible before you go to bed if you want to do that. You can say faith-based affirmations. However you want to end your day with him, but it's so important throughout the day to start your day with God and also to end your day with God.

When you do these five things every single day, you're going to notice that your relationship with God is going to strengthen so much, you're just going to have peace of knowing that God's in complete control of your life and that he has your best interest at heart. God has his hands in your life and he's working for you and with you in your life and guiding you through every single thing.

So if you've been struggling with keeping God in the center of your life, if you feel like you have a relationship with him or you know God, but you don't have that strong bond with him, implement these five ways to keep him in the center of your life. I know they will help you just like they've helped me.

I'm going to say a prayer with you guys. So if you would please just close your eyes and pray with me. Lord, I pray that you be with every single person reading this right now. I pray that they know that you're in complete control and that they open up their life to you, Lord, and that they lean on you for knowledge, guidance, understanding, and they acknowledge you throughout their day, every single day. Lord, I pray that they know that you have their best interest at heart, that you're always working for them to help them with their bigger purpose. And as long as they lean on you for guidance, that you're never going to steer them in the wrong direction. I pray that they have peace knowing you're in complete control and faith that your will be done. I pray that they open up their mind. heart, spirit, and body to you, Lord, and that they keep you in the center of their life at all times. In Jesus's name. Amen.

I love you guys so much and I appreciate each and every single one of you guys.

Never forget to choose faith over fear.

-Lorena Camille (Faith Fuels My Fire)

p.s. If you'd rather listen to Faith-based, business, mindset, and mental health tips, then check out my podcast. There I will share my personal experiences, stories I've never told before, and bring you along this hot mess life of mine. New episodes every week.

For daily Bible Studies, check out my YouTube Channel. Each day I go over a new chapter of the Book of Jeremiah.

You can also follow me on Instagram (_lorenacamille_.) I'll be posting frequently and doing daily stories. I'll follow you back :)

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