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5 Ways to Help You Cope With Your Anxiety

faith fuels my fire

I was diagnosed with anxiety when I was 15 years old (although I’m pretty sure I’ve had it since I was a little kid.)

I’ve had anxiety to the point where I couldn’t leave the house or want to do anything or talk to anyone.

I’ve been in a very dark place where I was literally afraid and anxious about everything after being fired from my job for having a panic attack. Listen to my story here. Listen from 30 seconds in to about 6 minutes in.

For the past 2 years I have learned a lot about myself. I’ve done personal development, strengthened my relationship with God, dug deep, and did a lot of soul searching.

With that I have found 5 things that really help me with my anxiety and can even stop one of my panic attacks right in its tracks.

Here are the 5 ways that I cope with my anxiety:

1. Affirmations.

- I’ve memorized faith based affirmations that really help me when I start feeling anxious or start having a panic attack.

- You can write down affirmations (they don't have to be faith based) that you can read aloud when you start to get anxiety and the more you say them you will automatically start memorizing them.

- One of the affirmations I say is “I have unlimited time to do all the things that make me feel happy, successful, and fulfilled in your name.”

- This affirmation really helps me when I'm feeling stressed out about time or things I need to get done.

- I got this affirmation from Stefanie Gass on her podcast “The Mompreneur Mastermind Show. Go check it out, it’s amazing (not sponsored.)

2. Mediate.

- I have the “Calm” app downloaded on my phone and I listen to calming anxiety meditations when I feel a panic attack coming or if I start getting super stressed.

- You can also look up meditations on YouTube, listen to meditation podcasts, or watch a mediation DVD.

- When you meditate it helps bring you back and feel grounded again.

3. Take deep breaths.

When I start feeling anxious or overwhelmed I close my eyes and take deep breaths.

- Breathing in with my nose for 10 seconds and then breathing out with my mouth for another 10. Repeating that until I start to calm down.

- This really helps me to stay grounded and release my fears and anxiety.

4. Music.

Music always helps calm me down. I prefer listening to Christian music because it helps me feel peaceful and connected to God. I usually listen to music throughout the day but especially when I start getting stressed or anxious.

5. Prayer

Praying is so powerful. I always pray every day to have peace knowing that God is in complete control. But when I’m feeling very anxious and defeated I pray to God for peace and strength. He always reminds me that he is with me and that I have no reason to worry or be afraid.

I know how it feels to be anxious and afraid. It is a constant struggle everyday but doing at least one of these things everyday has really helped me.

If you have anxiety, just know that you are not alone.

I hope that these things help you cope with your anxiety just like they have me.

Before you leave, I will leave you with this prayer... I pray that you have peace knowing that God is in complete control. I pray that you know that you are never alone and that God is with you always. I pray that in your times of anxiousness and being afraid that you will have a peace of mind and feel the Holy Spirit with in you. In Jesus name, Amen.

Never forget to choose faith over fear.

-Lorena Camille

(Faith Fuels My Fire)

p.s. If you'd rather listen to Faith based, business, mindset, and mental health tips, then check out my podcast. There I will share my personal experiences, stories I've never told before, and bring you along the hot mess life of mine. New episodes every Monday.

You can also follow me on Instagram (_lorenacamille_.) I'll be posting frequently and doing daily stories. I'll follow you back :)

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