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faith fuels my fire

Have you ever felt like you were losing control of your life?

Like you have this overwhelming sense of emotions (or no emotions at all) and you don't know how to handle it?

Are you afraid to let go of the idea that you have to figure everything out on your own?

Have you been searching for answers in all the wrong places?

Trust me,,, I've been there.

For months I kept trying to hold on so tight to the idea that I'm in control of my own life. I kept fighting the urge to let go and completely give it all to God because I was afraid of what would happen.

I was so afraid that the vision I had for my life would go away if I let go. and honestly... it did.

But I now have a bigger vision that sets my soul on fire and it's all because I decided to let go and give it all to God.

Here are the 3 steps that I used to let go and truly give it all to god:


- Let yourself feel all of the emotions; happiness, sadness, fear, anger, resentment, alll of the feelings that you’ve been holding back.

- Write it all down. Everything that you’ve been feeling lately.

- Allow it to really sink in.

- It’s okay to feel, it’s okay to break down, it’s okay to feel like you’re losing control (in fact, it’s liberating.)

- Let it all out girl, every bit of it. Don’t hold back.


- Once you’ve let everything out, just be still (this may be difficult.)

- Close your eyes and just sit there in silence (if your mind starts to wonder or won’t stop, pray that God will take all of the distractions away and that you have peace of mind.)

- Let yourself be completely present in this moment. Take deep breaths- focus on your breathing. Inhale through your nose (feeling your stomach inflate) and exhale with your mouth (feeling your stomach deflate.)

- Do this for a few minutes until your mind and body feels completely at peace.


- Pray with the intention of truly releasing the idea or feeling that you are in control of your own life.

- Examples of what to say or do during this prayer:

• Let God know how you’ve been feeling (even though he already knows) and then give him complete control.

• Give it all to him-every bit of your heart and soul is his.

• Let him know that you trust in him completely to lead you through the path that he has planned for you.

• Don’t ask for anything, just give him your all and listen.

- These are just things that I said and did in my prayer but this your prayer and your talk with God so say or do whatever is right for you in that moment.

- You may feel overwhelmed like I did while praying. You may even try to fight saying the words you need to say or want to just stop praying altogether. This is just your defense mechanism to keep the control you think you are losing.

- Just take deep breaths and pause when you need to. God knows your heart, soul, and your thoughts. Don’t stress yourself out.

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight." Proverbs 3 5-6

Once you’ve completed these three steps you will start to feel a weight lifted off your shoulders. It may be instant or it may take a little time like it did for me.

Just trust the process and know that God is in control. He has the best intentions for you and he is working in your favor.

Now go and follow the path that he is leading you on.

Before you go I will leave you with this prayer... I pray that you have peace of mind knowing that God is in complete control. I pray that you give all of your fear, anxiety, worry, sadness, and anger to him and let him take complete control. I pray that you release the feelings that you are holding on to and give them all to God. I pray that he fills you with love and light and that you never forget how truly amazing our God is. In his name, Amen.

Never forget to choose faith over fear.

-Lorena Camille

(Faith Fuels My Fire)

p.s. If you'd rather listen to Faith-based, business, mindset, and mental health tips, then check out my podcast. There I will share my personal experiences, stories I've never told before, and bring you along the hot mess life of mine. New episodes every Monday.

You can also follow me on Instagram (_lorenacamille_.) I'll be posting frequently and doing daily stories. I'll follow you back :)

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